A tour around South Kensington

A recent quiet Sunday took us to South Kensington, and the amazing Science Museum, as I’d never been. Walking past the Natural History

Natural History Museum

We saw some wonderful exhibits, including an early computer-esque machine. It was fascinating! [That “computer-esque machine” is a reconstruction of Babbage’s Analytical Engine]

Analytical Engine

And a chemical reaction of something on water creating beautiful steam! [Unfortunately I can’t remember exactly what this was, I think it might have been dry ice, but it’s in the incredible Launchpad section, which is just as much fun for adults as it is for kids]

Smoky water

After a great visit (with so much we hadn’t managed to see!) we wandered back through South Kensington and tried out some long-exposure experiments in the dusk.

Exhibition Road

A twist on the classic London red bus shot with the Albert Memorial in the background.

Albert Memorial

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